Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Endless pool, snorkeling & scuba: above knee amputee fin

    Daily over four years, Ian, an above knee amputee, uses his shinfinTM fin exercise swimming against his endless pool jet, and for snorkeling and scuba diving. Above all, Ian finds his shinfinTM fin is one of the best exercise aids for stopping his stump from atrophying. His amputation is four inches above knee. He adjusts…

  • Bilateral below knee amputee prostheses fins

    Peter, a custom prosthetics manufacturer, strapped shinfinTM fins to the prostheses they made for a bilateral below knee amputee. This works because the fins adjust and flex to fit prostheses, just like they fit thin legs and large legs. Firstly, the client trialled shinfinTM fins strapped on prosthetic test sockets and he was very pleased…

  • Power, wave control & push off: body surfing fins

    For Doug (previously a professional lifeguard), the key body surfing benefits of shinfinTM fins are a strong punch of power, control in the wave and feet free to push off from the bottom. He gets the power he needs because shinfinTM fins are hip powered by the larger muscles in his thighs, buttocks, stomach and…

  • Fused ankles & Arthrogryposis clubbed feet fins

    With fused ankles and clubbed feet due to Arthrogryposis, Elise really enjoys her shinfinTM fins for fitness swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving. She positions them on her legs to get the maximum benefits. In particular, they build her muscle mass so her legs and feet have much more strength and stamina. This is because they…

  • Below knee transtibial amputation fins

    Brian has a below knee (transtibial) amputation and shinfinTM fins have worked great for his fitness swimming for many years. He wears one fin in the standard position on his full leg and the other fin on the thigh of his amputated leg (similarly to an above knee amputee). However, please note that most transtibial…

  • Shortboard stand up surfing fins

    Kyle has a lot of fun stand up surfing with shinfinTM fins on his shortboard. With shinfinTM fins, he can still stand on his shortboard. They help him catch waves more easily and also let him rest his arms going back out. He really enjoys the balanced workout, kicking with his legs and paddling with…

  • Faster without hurting ankle injuries: bodyboarding fins

    Bodyboarding with shinfinTM fins lets Diego keep up with other surfers in comfort, without hurting his ankle injuries. This is because they attach just above his ankles. So his hip power and thigh strength is channeled directly to just below his calves, not through his ankles. He can’t use regular fins due to his ankle…

  • No ankle strain: pool lap training fins

    Pool lap training with shinfinTM fins, over 8 years, has been fantastic for Terry because they avoid the ankle strain he gets with normal flippers. This is because they strap to his legs just above his ankles. So they are comfortable without adding extra straining forces through his ankles. Furthermore, they keep him streamlined in…

  • Walk, stand & maneuver easily: powerful body surfing fins

    shinfinTM fins give Pete powerful body surfing and also let him walk and stand in the water, and maneuver easily to catch waves. This is because they attach to his legs, so his feet are free. Furthermore, kick power comes from his hips, using the stronger muscles in his thighs, buttocks and torso. So his…

  • No muscle, ankle or heel pain: body surfing fins

    Body surfing with shinfinTM fins, Michael avoids the muscle pain, sore ankles and raw heels that he gets with traditional foot fins. What’s more, these issues can be dangerous. So shinfinTM fins give him a comfortable and safe way to body surf. In fact, he likes them so much that he then bought three pairs…

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