Many thanks to the worldwide shinfinTM customers who have given their permission to share these reviews. Their words remain (some typos fixed and “shinfinTM fins” trademarks added). See all fin reviews or these sample fin reviews below.
“I’ve only used them a couple of times in the pool but my stroke has already improved so I’ve no doubt they’re great for swim training (has generated some interest from others!). I’ll readily endorse the fins based on performance so far!” – Adrian from Cardiff, UK.
“Marc, I am really enjoying my shinfinTM fins. The work out I am getting now is a huge improvement. When I take the fins off and swim without them my kick is a lot stronger than it used to be. Also wearing the fins helps my positioning so much that I can use hand paddles without using a pull buoy. I can’t say enough good things about them, I will definitely recommend shinfinTM fins to fellow swimmers. Many Thanks.” – Lorri from Santa Fe, New Mexico.
“These are the only fins I have ever used that do not cause my feet or calves to cramp. A great innovation.” – Bill from Virginia, USA.
“I am up to 1.5 km in the pool 3 times a week with the fins and like them lots. I feel the difference in subtle ways – e.g. feels like more working of muscles in thighs. It did take a bit to get used to them. They are in my view a real innovation.” – Rob from Castaways Beach, Australia.
“They give me a great workout especially the thighs and the entire trunk area…..which is a pleasant surprise as I’m always trying to increase my strength in my lumbar/abdominal/buttocks area. I’m swimming twice a week for about 45 min each time. So yes I like them a lot, and yes they are just what I need for my strength training. As for one, I’m back doing the front crawl steadily with more authority now…..before my back/ trunk muscles weren’t strong enough to allow me to just let loose…..not quite perfect yet but I’ve noticed a big difference in my lumbar/trunk stability…..a very nice surprise….my knees are feeling better, as I’m getting more power in my legs……..and my ankles couldn’t be happier….I can’t wait to get to the pool now as I’m seeing results quite quickly.” – Mike from Ontario, Canada.
“Yes, I am truly enjoying the use of the fins. They are greatly helping my swimming. They are easy to use and very light-weight, which I like. They are working well. I noticed my legs are getting stronger which is good.” – Elaine from Minneapolis, USA.
“I love myshinfinTM fins. They work your quads and abs so strongly that I don’t want to swim anymore without them. Thanks for such a great product. You can use my testimonial. I am a Chiropractor and also have a Masters Degree in Sports Health Science and I have tried other fins and these are the best.” – Dr William from Puerto Rico.
“I have been using them in France for a while now and everybody wants to know where I got them. They work fine. I may buy more for my swim team. By the way, you can put my comments on the website. Your fins work and people need to know. I have been happy with the fins and it is natural for me to promote them.” – Elias from France.
“I am happy to report they worked out great, just as I expected. Your fins have enabled me to add to my fitness routine. Thank you.” – Matt from St. Louis, USA.
”I was just planning on using them to tone up. I can really feel them working.” – Desi from Brisbane, Australia.
“I was only talking about your shinfinTM fins the other day to yet another person. The fins are (as we both suspected) a fabulous invention and an invaluable training tool. Grace has been using them now at all her training sessions for quite some time and the results in improved competitive times have come “shin”ing through. Grace says to say that she loves her fins and everything about them – such as making her go faster right down to loving the colour! Of course you may use extracts from my emails for your website. It’s all about giving people with disabilites the confidence to get out there and have a go. So if my remarks can help it would be nice to think it may make a difference in someone’s life.” – Margaret (mother of Grace, a double foot amputee) from Erina, NSW, Australia.
”I really like the fins. I think if my body had natural fins, they would be much like these. I am able to move fluidly and feel an increase in aerobic activity and muscle usage over finless-ness. I went from pawing the water and keeping my head up to breathe to planting my face in the water for 30 minutes and fluidly swimming. I also increased the length of time from 30 to 45 minutes, enjoying it very much. I’m telling you this because it means your claims are true, it really does increase the muscle usage in areas unexpected. Thanks!” – Virginia from Montana, USA.
“shinfinTM fins made sense to me – light, flexible, and perfect for strengthening my legs and glutes after several years of a deteriorating hip followed by hip replacement surgery. It’s been over forty years since I’ve done laps in a pool voluntarily, but now I look forward to doing laps with shinfins fins as the last part of my workout in a therapy pool. If I have any energy left after the laps, then I use the fins in some walking exercises in the pool. In other words, they’ve become an important part of my therapy and are such an improvement over the inflexible, heavy, awkward old-fashioned fins. But they do take some getting used to. Well worth it, though.” – Nick from Minnesota, USA.
”I’d like you to know what your shinfinTM fins have done for me. Sixteen months ago I had major back surgery and along with hydrotherapy decided to take up swimming. I am mature aged and had not been swimming for some 30 odd years. I found I am unable to use ordinary flippers as they tend to make me bend my back when kicking, causing pain. Your fins made it possible for me to learn to swim high in the water with minimal leg movement. They also strengthened my back and lower abdominal muscles by encouraging me to kick with a straighter leg than I would normally. I have also enjoyed walking in the pool. When walking I leave my fins on and they encourage me to stabilize my core muscle and carry myself up tall and straight. I don’t have to lift my feet any higher than my normal gait. I am very impressed with your shinfinTM fins and believe they have played a major role in my recovery. I highly recommend them for anyone in my position and see many benefits for people with a variety of physical challenges. Once again “Thank you” for a wonderful product.” – Diane from Queensland, Australia.
“The fins are great. Much less stress on the knees. Roy is improving with every swim meet. Look for him in the future! … and months later … We still think your product is amazing and will continue to share info. with others.” – Jana from Del Mar, California, USA.
“Yes the fins do work well, I’m working exactly the areas that need to be worked; lower back & down the coccyx, abdominals and thighs. Yes I enjoy using the fins. They really work the muscles, especially the thighs. I also feel the muscles in my lower back being worked so that’s good. Also hope to show them off more to other people – prospective customers!!” – Graeme from Ottowa, Canada.“Without a doubt the weakest part of my swimming was my kick. I tried specific kick training and have utilised ordinary fins for years, but as soon I started to swim, the kick would stop and my legs would just ‘hang’ there. The shinfinTM fins have helped me in two ways. First, the transition from fins to no-fins is easier to make with shinfinTM fins than with ordinary fins. Swimming with shinfinTM fins more closely resembles the action I am trying to achieve. That is, the predominant propulsion is still coming from the arms with support from the legs. Second, I am learning that good body rotation starts with the legs and I have experienced moments with the shinfinTM fins where everything seems to come together and I actually feel like a ‘proper’ swimmer”. – John from New South Wales, Australia.
“They really performed wonders to my swim style. Congratulations, you have really created a little miracle, which will certainly help countless others with my similar predicament. I will certainly recommend it to friends. In particular, I liked the fact that it prevented my feet and calves from cramping, something which occurred after 2 laps with ordinary fins. Also breathing was made much easier, and I now look forward eagerly to the next session.” – Tony from Singapore.
“On behalf of Greg and the rest of the Hurricanes (who had ordered shinfinTM fins through Swim Alberta), I just want to say that shinfinTM fins are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. The Hurricanes are a SWAD Squad actively using the fins. At least 20% of our kick sets are designed around using the fins and the swimmers do really well with them. Greg absolutely loves using them! The fins do what is claimed and actually even correct kick positions. For swimmers who sometimes have difficulty working out how best to use the kick they have, the fins are an awesome training tool. Thank you for your follow-up and I wish you much success! … and update months later … shinfinTM fins are good…Greg uses them every practice (he swims with a different squad now) and I have a 13-year old who does great with them…Really helped improve his kick.” – Tammy, coach from Edmonton, Canada.
“I tried them right away (only freestyle kick). This is my first observation: a) The allow for a relatively fast kick b) They guide to a “higher on the water” and a better balanced position for the freestyle. c) They take the load off the knees – this is important for me because I bought the fins for my niece (a 15 year old competitive swimmer) who has some knee ligament problems. I am extremely happy with the purchase.” …and then, 4 weeks later… “I really like the fins. I am going to order another pair for myself.” – George from Ottowa, Canada.
“I have been lap swimming for only 3 months now and using the fins twice a week now for about 8 weeks. Now, I find it very boring and slow swimming without them. I could not get a kickboard going forwards without them. Now, I do a few laps with the kick board for the exercise. The fins work well for me. They do all the things that that you claim but in addition they make swimming more enjoyable. (I can keep up with the other swimmers now.) I will continue to use them for my twice a week lap swims.” – Chris from Perth, Australia.
“shinfinTM fins are my saviour. If they did not exist, I could not swim. I have severe foot problems. These fins take the stress off my feet, transferring it to my shins. I went snorkeling in Hawaii two weeks ago, two days in a row, without pain. These fins represent the genius of elegantly simple solutions to complex problems. Do you want me to make TV commercials?” – Russ from Redwood City, USA.
“I started to use them and I love them.” – California, USA.
“I like them VERY much. Your assertion that the fins encourage a kicking motion that is more mechanically similar to the unaided kick is spot-on. I agree that they are an improvement over the traditional fin. I wish you continued success on a quality product.” – Robert from Columbia.
“The fins perform exactly as you describe.” – Florida,USA.
“For me the biggest advantage with shinfinTM fins is that I no longer suffer strains in the tendons/ligaments in my feet as I did with the flippers when bodyboarding. Sometimes it would take almost a week to recover from a foot strain with the flippers. Secondly I like the fact that I can walk around with them on both on land and in shallow water. It’s a little bit awkward but almost nothing compared to flippers. So they are safer than flippers in that respect. One other advantage is that I think it is unlikely someone would loose a shinfinTM fin if it was put on correctly. They seem very secure. While I’ve never lost a flipper while bodyboarding, I know people who have. On balance shinfinTM fins are a substantial improvement over conventional flippers for bodyboarding and I would not go back. When snorkeling its good to be able to walk over the top of a rocky reef and get back in on the other side without having to take off and put back on a pair of flippers.” – Bill from Christchurch, New Zealand.
“I am enjoying the workouts I am getting with the fins and note that the kicking effort is moved into my thighs and abdomen, as advertised. This has also been great therapy for my knees. While I was recovering from the knee surgery the fins were helpful in allowing a good kicking workout with most of the force moved up into the thigh and belly – but allowing all the value of light force and increased circulation.” – Dave from Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
“The fins work great and the level of comfort is excellent. Finally the limiting factor isn’t pain in my feet. Much different feel from traditional fins, but this is a good thing. Rather than stressing all the other joints as regular fins did, pressure is concentrated in a more natural area.” – Tom from San Diego, USA.
“At the moment, training about 2 x per week, 2-3 km. Using the fins each time for about the first 1 km. Starting to notice the more powerful kick when I do not have the fins on – this is good!” – Richard from Switzerland.
“They are good in the pool, I like the way that they work for laps and training for the day I go back to surf.” – Mike from Bend, Oregon, USA.
“I just finished using my shinfinTM fins for the first time and they were great! It really helped me get moving and showed me how to control my legs. I can’t wait to get back in the pool with them tomorrow. Everyone at the pool was asking what they were, so I told them to check out the site. I am very happy that I ordered them.” … and then, 3 weeks later … “I have progressed a ton since I started using them. They are great because they help keep my legs kicking correctly. I do leg drills with them and my progression is visible.” – Matt from Jackson Heights, New York, USA.
“I have been very happy with the shinfinTM fins … they have been a big help. My unaided kick is very bad and that puts a lot less stress on my shoulders and elbows. The fins largely correct the problem and I have had much less trouble since I have been using them.” – Barry from San Pedro, California, USA.
“They are good and have been used to help correct one of our club swimmers backstroke kick.” – New Zealand.
“Great! I’ve used them once and enjoyed them….I plan to use them extensively.” – Italy.
“I am 50 years old, very active sports wise, do yoga twice a week in a class and swim a mile four days a week. They are all you say they are and I am very glad to have them….I have been wearing them every time I swim since receiving them. I did have a little problem getting them on at first but that has gone away now that I am used to them. Takes no time at all now to do it. The foot (flipper) problem has disappeared and no more rubbing the side of my foot and having cramps. The only thing I can complain about is that I found some muscles that had not been used. You can tell the difference right away…and months later…I am still using my shinfinTM fins. They are still so much better than anything I have used in the past. I am now back to swimming at least three days per week. I would not change back to anything else. All those problems the others cause are gone now thanks to the shinfinTM fins. Thank you so much for asking and thank you for shinfinTM fins.” – Martha from Tennessee, USA.
“They are 100% better than other fins I’ve used.” – USA.
“It took me a few times swimming with them before I got comfortable, but I do like them …. I am planning on using them for pool training for fitness. I enjoy training with fins to reduce the dependence on my upper body. I used the traditional fin quite extensively while serving in the military and I know that there is too much strain on the small muscle groups of the lower leg and foot. I was interested enough by reading your website information to give them a try.” – Brock from Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
“I have been using my new shinfinTM fins about once a week every week since I received them. I use them for lap swimming at the YMCA…they are a lot of fun. They are giving me the enhanced workout that I was looking for…and months later…I am still using my shinfinTM fins. I am still very happy with them. They are in good condition.” – Lori from Los Angeles, USA.
Please also see all fin reviews.