Leg fins easily fit people with large feet and wide feet. So choose fins that strap on your legs, not on your feet. Then the fins will still fit you comfortably, even if you have big, wide feet with low or high arches and insteps.
This is because leg fins don’t enclose your feet at all. They strap just above your ankles. The lower part of the fin lies gently along the top of your foot. It doesn’t attach to your foot in any way.
So they still fit you even if you have unusually shaped feet. The size and shape of your feet doesn’t affect how they fit. So you can wear them whatever your foot size or shape. In fact, foot amputees, below knee amputees and above knee amputees, can wear them too.
This is all in complete contrast to foot fins. If you have big, wide feet, perhaps differently shaped, with high or low arches and insteps, it can be very hard to find foot fins that fit you without hurting. Foot fins often rub your feet and give you blisters on your heels and toes. They also squash your feet and cause cramps in your feet, ankles and calf muscles. And foot pain takes away your enjoyment of swimming.
In summary, unlike foot fins, it doesn’t matter if you have large wide feet, high or low insteps and arches, or unusually shaped feet. Your foot shape and size doesn’t matter for how they fit. So leg fins can be worn by people with any foot size and shape.
See related FAQ about why leg fins fit people with broad calves and why leg fins fit tall people with long legs.
See all FAQ about the adjustable fit of leg fins.