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Muscle workout & weight loss: lap swimming fins

Graham gets a good muscle workout and a satisfying weight loss from his lap swimming with shinfinTM fins. What’s more, they help him to swim faster and further.

Graham’s review from Renmark, Australia

“I am delighted with the results. I was particularly interested to get a good workout of the muscles that you describe and with the fins I certainly do. The weight loss is satisfying too. I am enjoying the speed and ease of swimming.”

Graham’s review: Lap swimming fins for muscle workout & weight loss

“Thank you for inquiring about my fins. I am delighted with the results. I was particularly interested to get a good workout of the muscles that you describe and with the fins I certainly do.”

“Yes they do take a little longer to to become accustomed to (I had previously used foot attached fins). However I was patient and all was well. I now have no trouble swimming 40 lengths of the Olympic pool here, my goal is 100 lengths before the end of the month.”

“The weight loss is satisfying too.”


Many thanks for your feedback Graham. That’s great, we get a lot of feedback like this. 

Yes, the propulsion will feel a lot smoother than foot flippers, and it will increase as you strengthen your thighs and torso for the new streamlined kick. Then you will find that your “no-fins” swimming improves too. Are you finding this yet? You may like to try swimming a few laps with no fins at the end of your session to feel this.


“I haven’t tried swimming without the fins yet. I am enjoying the speed and ease of swimming for the time being. Did 50 laps last night. I have never felt better! Please feel free to use extracts of my emails as you think fit.”


You’re going great. Please keep in touch as I’d love to hear how you progress to your 5km goal.


Lap swimming with shinfinTM fins lets you swim smoother, faster and further, with a natural rhythm. Furthermore, they help you with weight loss by giving you a good workout in the larger muscles of your thighs and torso without foot and toe cramps. You may also be interested in the strong, light fins FAQ.


