Hannah really loves her shinfinTM fins for triathlon training, as a bilateral below knee amputee. She mainly swims freestyle in open water and pools. She finds that these fins give her a better workout because they lift her body horizontal and support a strong stroke balance. Furthermore, she finds that these fins improve her swimming form, which enters her muscle memory and so transfers to her swimming without fins in triathlon competitions. A paralympic athlete recommended shinfinTM fins to her and they have impressed her coaches as well. So now Hannah recommends them to other amputees too.

Lee’s review from Coralville, USA
“My daughter is a bilateral below knee amputee who competes in triathlons. She loves the shinfinTM fins. They have really helped her with improving her form and getting a better workout. Her coaches are very impressed with her fins and we have recommended them to other amputees that we know. She definitely feels that she is a stronger, better swimmer now. Even when she is not wearing them. Another paralympic athlete who is an amputee, recommended the shinfinTM fins to Hannah.”