Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • River float tube fishing fins: mobile & versatile

    Sean enjoys much more mobility, versatility and water safety when river float tube fishing with his shinfinTM fins. Fundamentally, they give him better control to navigate river currents and then stay where he wishes to fish. The fins also leave his feet free to walk easier and push off the river floor, rocks, trees and…

  • Training, water running & snorkeling fins

    Peggy values the multipurpose nature of shinfinTM fins for her swim training, water running, snorkeling and open water swimming. She finds they help her immensely with body positioning, balance and overall compatibility with the water. This is because they promote a smooth swimming style and leave her feet free. Of course, this also allows her…

  • Hip therapy & walking: exercise fins

    Following his hip replacement, Nick’s shinfinTM fins are an important part of his therapy, which including for water walking exercise and lap swimming. Light and flexible, he finds them perfect for strengthening his glutes and leg muscles because they encourage him to kick with power from his hips. Furthermore, his myofascial back muscle pain is…

  • Better snorkeling control & lap swimming fins

    Like many people, Jan Carlos uses his shinfinTM fins for multiple activities, finding them great for lap swimming and giving more control when snorkeling. As he feels, this is because they target the correct muscles to give him a powerful kick from his hips. Moreover, their extra control, together with leaving his feet free and…

  • Teach, bodyboard, body surf & snorkel: multi-use fins

    Anne finds her shinfinTM fins great for many uses: from teaching squad swimmers and beginners, through to surf swimming, bodyboarding, body surfing and snorkeling. She likes the extra propulsion with the natural kick technique, streamlined body and no leg cramps. What’s more, sharing the fins is easy, as one size fits most. She also likes…

  • Faster paddling & wave catching: bodyboarding fins

    Liz’s shinfinTM fins give her faster, easier paddling on her bodyboard and extra speed for catching waves. She paddles out lying horizontal on her bodyboard, doing freestyle arms and kicking at the same time. Sharing the power like this, she finds it faster and much less tiring on her arms and legs. The same faster…

  • Proper stroke & breathing & position: triathlon training fins

    Triathlon training with shinfinTM fins streamlines Charles’ body position, balances his breathing, lengthens his stroke and properly uses the larger muscles in his glutes. This all happens because shinfinTM fins lift his body more horizontal, train more powerful kicking from his hips and give him correct freestyle timing. Most importantly, this transfers to give him…

  • Streamlined body & stronger kick: competitive Masters fins

    Two main benefits that shinfinTM fins give Paraic, are a more streamlined body position and a more efficient stronger kick. Most importantly, these benefits transfer to give him a better swim style without fins too. So he uses them for his Masters swimming training and swim technique improvement. He also bought a second pair for…

  • Big surf & beach break: body surfing & bodyboarding fins

    shinfinTM fins leave Phil’s feet free to move for shallow water beach breaks and power him for big surf bodyboarding and body surfing. Also, he sometimes wears shinfinTM fins and regular foot fins together. What’s more, Phil appreciates that shinfinTM fins don’t give him calf cramps or toe rash like regular foot fins. Phil’s review…

  • Don’t hurt calves: easy learn to swim fins

    From never being able to swim a lap, shinfinTM fins have helped Dass learn to swim many laps, in comfort and without hurting her calves, unlike foot fins. This is because they teach and guide her into a good swimming style. They also give her the confidence to swim out of her depth by improving…

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