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Bilateral below knee amputee lap swimming fins

shinfinTM fins allow Amy, a bilateral below knee amputee, to lap swim again. The fins give her a natural linear balance with power from her hip flexors. This is because her forward motion causes water pressure on the fins, which lifts her legs and body linear and streamlined. So she finds that the fins give her an awesome whole body workout, critical for rebuilding her core body strength and endurance.

Amy’s review from Harwick, USA

“I am a 54 year old woman with both legs amputated below the knee and I have been struggling to swim again. I could not remain linear and my residual limbs provided no propulsion. The shinfinTM fins changed everything. I feel whole again. Swimming laps feels natural and my linear balance was perfect. I am in a state of sheer joy! Thank you! The shinfinTM fins enable me to to work on my hip flexors, which is important because I spend so much time in my wheelchair. The whole body workout is awesome.”

Amy’s review: Lap swimming fins for a bilateral below knee amputee

“Yesterday my shinfinTM fins arrived and I called my swim coach to meet me at the pool. I am a 54 year old woman with both legs amputated below the knee and I have been struggling to swim again. I could not remain linear and my residual limbs provided no propulsion. The shinfinTM fins changed everything. I feel whole again. Swimming laps feels natural and my linear balance was perfect. I am in a state of sheer joy! Thank you!”


That is all wonderful news. We get a lot of feedback like this. It is very encouraging to hear how shinfinTM fins help people around the world.
I’d love to hear how you progress over your next few swims please, whenever you get a moment to email me.

In particular, I would be very interested to hear how swimming with your fins helps to improve your strength and flexibility in your knees, hips and torso, both for your swimming and also for your other activities outside the water.

Can I ask a favour please? Would you mind if I put some extracts from your emails on the website?


“I brought my shinfinTM fins in for “show and tell” today. I am a pre-kindergarten teacher. The kids (age 4-5) asked me if I was a mermaid now. I am indeed!”

“The shinfinTM fins enable me to to work on my hip flexors, which is important because I spend so much time in my wheelchair. The whole body workout is awesome. I experienced that fatigue that I remember from childhood after a day in the pool! I will be walking more and more each week. But rebuilding core strength and endurance will be critical.”

“I am so thrilled. I just need to work on a way to adjust the straps to fit my calf . Normally the fin would fit around an ankle. A fatter strap with more length would help. I am going to ask my prosthetist to help me. My swim coach is so excited about the possibilities. Me too.”

“You may use my experience and words.”


Thank you for your kind permission Amy. Personal recommendation is very important to help a new product like this along, so I really appreciate it.

Yes, the shinfinTM fins do indeed help to work your hip flexors and rebuild your core strength. I’d love to hear how you progress with this over the coming weeks and also how your walking improves too.

Longer straps are a drop-down option when buying fins on the website and are also available separately if you need them. I generally suggest that if you measure around where you would like the fin to go, and it comes to 16 inches (40 cm) or less, then the standard straps that you already have should fit. If the measurement is longer, then you need the longer straps. You can always cut the straps shorter with scissors later, if needed.

Maybe this suggestion will help you make do with your current straps. Wet the fins and slide the strap a bit through both ankle slots to give minimum strap length to the outside buckle (the one that you leave done up all the time), and maximum strap length to the inside buckle (the one that you do up each time you put the fins on). Does this help?

What are the lengths of your stumps below your kneecaps if you don’t mind me asking?


If you are a single or bilateral below knee amputee, shinfinTM fins will allow you to go lap swimming again. Your forward motion causes water pressure on the fins, which lifts your legs and body linear and streamlined. By encouraging power from your hip flexors, the fins give you a natural linear balance. So their excellent whole body workout can help you with the critical task of rebuilding your core body strength and endurance.

These other reviews show bilateral below knee amputees using their shinfinTM fins for exercise and weight loss, swimming on front and back and wearing the fins on prostheses. These single below knee amputees use their fins to lap swim and swim in a straight line again. Further reviews demonstrate rehabilitation with less knee and back pain and better whole leg workouts for swim training and snorkeling.