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After knee replacement: less back & knee pain fins

shinfinTM fins help Nelly rehabilitate after knee replacement surgery, by strengthening her muscles below her waist, with less knee pain and less back pain. This is because they encourage a streamlined kick with smooth delivery of power from her thighs and torso, with only a little knee-bend. She uses them to swim freestyle (front crawl) and backstroke (back crawl).

Nelly’s review from Langenselbold, Germany

 “After knee replacement surgery, I would like to strengthen my muscles below the waist, especially the legs, so that I can walk longer and improve my swimming style (front crawl and back crawl). Since the operation, I can no longer do any twisting moves with my left leg when swimming.”

3 months later. “I am doing well with my fins and they have helped to strengthen the muscles below my waist. I am experiencing less pain in the back and the knees – problem areas up to now. Certainly I can confirm what your other customers have been saying.”

Nelly’s review: Fins for less knee & back pain after knee replacement

“Thank you for sending me the shinfinTM fins. I am currently getting accustomed to them at the pool. Is there a difference between left and right side? Do you have a training plan or something similar that I could use?”


Thank you for your kind email Nelly. What are your training objectives? I don’t have training plans as such but I might be able to give you some suggestions if you let me know.

The fins themselves are identical but it is usually easier to leave the outside buckle permanently set and just use the inside buckle to put them on and take them off, as per the fitting tips.


“After knee replacement surgery, I would like to strengthen my muscles below the waist, especially the legs, so that I can walk longer and improve my swimming style (front crawl and back crawl). Since the operation, I can no longer do any twisting moves with my left leg when swimming.”


I hope you are going well with your fins and you are finding that they strengthen your muscles below your waist, without twisting your knees.
We have lots of customers using shinfinTM fins to help strengthen themselves after injuries and operations. Especially ankles, knees, hips and back.

These benefits arise because shinfinTM fins promote a streamlined kick (like good swimmers use), with smooth delivery of power from your thighs and torso, and only a little knee-bend. So less knee-bend reduces the pressure of your knee cap on the ligaments underneath and minimises hip-bend too. This streamlined kick also exercises and strengthens the core muscles of your back.

As I hope you have found, you can position shinfinTM fins on your leg to face the direction of your kick. So this reduces the twisting forces on your ankles, knees, hips and back (a common problem with foot flippers).


“I am doing well with my fins and they have helped to strengthen the muscles below my waist. I am experiencing less pain in the back and the knees – problem areas up to now. Certainly I can confirm what your other customers have been saying. I fully agree with you.”


That is wonderful to hear Nelly. Indeed, the streamlined kick from your hips that shinfinTM fins encourage, reduces the strain on your lower back and knees. So we get lots of feedback like that.


shinfinTM fins can help you rehabilitate after knee replacement surgery by strengthening your muscles, in particular below your waist. Furthermore, they achieve this via a streamlined kick with with less knee pain and less back pain. This is because they encourage a smooth power delivery from your thighs and torso, with only a little knee-bend. This is also highlighted in another review on rehabilitating with less knee and back pain.

These rehabilitation benefits occur when you swim freestyle (front crawl), backstroke (back crawl) and butterfly, following the kicking tips. This review shows how they also help you learn the crawl stroke. Another review includes using them for hip therapy and walking exercises.