Faster fins reviews

  • Swim technique fins for all ages

    Ralph uses shinfinTM fins to improve the swimming technique of his grandchildren of all ages, for freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. The fins encourage them to activate their stronger muscles by kicking from their hips with straighter knees, and build up their stamina and muscle memory.

    Ralph’s review from Delran, USA

    “I have found that shinfinTM fins are a positive alternative to promoting a more anatomical utilization of the muscles for freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. Just swim freestyle across the pool and feel the fins aid in your leg motions. The fins encourage the muscles of the upper leg, gluteus, lower back and abs to rhythmically move the legs. Presto! That was fun, easy and fast. Your legs do get tired as they react to the exercise and build muscle but it’s more advantageous to practice something technically more correct than perfecting self-defeating inappropriate muscle memory.”

  • Powerful fluid kicking style: lap swimming fins

    Josie looks forward to lap swimming with her shinfinTM fins because they give her a powerful fluid kick from her hips and overall better swimming style. She adjusts the fin position on her leg because that gives her the ideal angle and height for her kick.

    Josie’s review from Brisbane, Australia

    “I must say that I have noticed a considerable improvement in my kicking style. My kicking is a lot more fluid and powerful. All in all, I am very happy with my purchase and follow up customer care. I actually look forward to swimming laps now I have shinfinTM fins, which is a huge turn around for me :)”

  • Muscle workout & weight loss: lap swimming fins

    Graham gets a good muscle workout and a satisfying weight loss from his lap swimming with shinfinTM fins. What’s more, they help him to swim faster and further.

    Graham’s review from Renmark, Australia

    “I am delighted with the results. I was particularly interested to get a good workout of the muscles that you describe and with the fins I certainly do. The weight loss is satisfying too. I am enjoying the speed and ease of swimming.”
