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Fine tuning swimming technique fins

When Mark uses his shinfinTM fins for fine tuning his swim technique, he feels them giving him a better natural swimming movement. When he uses them for his swimming drills, he feels them giving him a better workout in his main leg muscles. This is because they encourage a smooth swimming style with power from his hips. Most important, he feels his swim technique improvements with shinfinTM fins transfer to his natural swimming without fins too.

Mark’s review from Auckland, New Zealand

“Gives a better natural swim movement and better workout to the main muscles. And yes, the benefits transfer between “no-fins” swimming. Great Product. Thanks.”

Mark’s review: Fins for fine tuning swim technique & drills

“Going great guns. Took a short time to get used to the different movement. Gives a better natural swim movement and better workout to the main muscles.”

“Great Product. Thanks.”


Many thanks for you reply Mark. We get a lot of great feedback like this, from customers saying that swimming with shinfinTM fins (especially full stroke swimming) improves their horizontal body position, breathing, speed and overall swimming technique (arms too). Most important, these benefits transfer across to their “no-fins” swimming. So have you found this too?

This is because the shinfinTM kick is very similar to a good no-fins kick, and a proper streamlined kick is essential for good horizontal body position and to balance the arm stroke forces. So you feel the shinfinTM power in your thighs, buttocks, stomach and torso, the same muscles as for no-fins swimming.

A foot flipper kick is very different because it requires more knee-bend and power in your calf muscles and ankles. So foot flippers can’t provide the same benefits.


“To answer your question. My workouts are structured to use the shinfinTM fins for drills and fine tuning technique. And yes, the benefits transfer between “no-fins” swimming.”

“Go head and use an extract on the site. Good product.”


Thank you for your email and kind permission Mark. Personal recommendation is very important to get a new product like this going, so I really appreciate it and the shinfinTM word is spreading well.


shinfinTM fins have many uses, including fine tuning your swim technique. You will feel them giving you a better natural swimming movement.

Furthermore, these swim technique improvements that shinfinTM fins give you, will transfer to your natural no-fins swimming too. If you use them for your swimming drills, you will feel them giving you a better workout in your main leg muscles because they encourage a smooth swimming style with power from your hips.


