Sean enjoys much more mobility, versatility and water safety when river float tube fishing with his shinfinTM fins. Fundamentally, they give him better control to navigate river currents and then stay where he wishes to fish. The fins also leave his feet free to walk easier and push off the river floor, rocks, trees and other obstacles. What’s more, he can wear them with river shoes for extra protection.

Sean’s review from Casper, USA
“Since I have been using shinfinTM fins while fishing down Wyoming’s stretches of the North Platte river in a float tube, I have enjoyed an unbelievable increase in mobility and versatility! These are qualities that are of utmost importance when floating a river. I can get where I want to be in the currents and stay there. And I don’t lose the ability to wear river shoes and use my feet when I need them most, which is, quite frankly, all the time. They therefore make it much safer as well, giving me a liberated feeling and peace of mind.”
“shinfinTM fins are a remarkable invention. They have completely changed the game for me when it comes to fishing the river! It’s a whole new experience now!”
Sean’s review: Unbelievably mobile & versatile river float tube fishing fins
“I plan on using my shinfinTM fins for fishing in my river float tube. In which, one’s legs hang into the water to allow the occupant to kick and steer. I live in Wyoming near the North Platte river, which is flowing high and fast this year and has many hazards along the banks.”
“I have floated many times using only strap on Teva sandals. They lack mobility, but are essential for protecting the bottoms of your feet from the rough river floor. Also for kicking off of walls, trees and other obstacles along the way.”
“When I saw shinfinTM fins, I knew it was the perfect solution to my problem of mobility, because I would not feel safe having my feet hampered down by conventional swimming fins. I will give them a go when I receive them and will be happy to write a review if they work out well for me! Thanks again Marc! I’ve attached a photo of my fishing tube to give you an idea of how I’ll be using them.”
Many thanks for your reply Sean. Yes, I’d love to hear how you go and put your review on my website. That is very kind of you. We do have happy float tube customers. The streamlined kick technique of shinfinTM fins works just as well if you are sitting in a float tube. You kick so that you propel yourself backwards. You still kick from your hips, without bending your knees too much. Even though your legs are of course sloping down in the water. Power comes from the big muscles in your thighs and torso without straining your calf muscles, ankles and feet like foot flippers.
Turning around is quite straightforward too. You kick forward with one leg and back with the other. You can also kick sidestroke in a float tube so you go sideways. It is a little harder but still works well. If your back is flexible, you can even kick so you go forwards. But the flotation balance of the tube means this usually doesn’t work as well as going backwards. You can do all this smoothly, without the fins breaking the surface, so there is minimal disturbance to the water.
And, of course, your feet are free to walk and push off the bottom as required. The straps adjust so you can wear shinfinTM fins over waders and with water shoes. To minimize drag, water shoes should be streamlined and flexible so you can point your toes, without heavy sole or heel areas. It is best to use the light, flexible water shoes designed for swimming and beach walking.
“Awesome Marc! Thank you for the helpful tips. I will be demonstrating and introducing these to all of my friends. So hopefully you’ll see a few more orders from Wyoming!
Thanks Sean, that would be great. I wonder what the fish will make of it!
“Since I have been using shinfinTM fins while fishing down Wyoming’s stretches of the North Platte river in a float tube, I have enjoyed an unbelievable increase in mobility and versatility! These are qualities that are of utmost importance when floating a river. I can get where I want to be in the currents and stay there. And I don’t lose the ability to wear river shoes and use my feet when I need them most, which is, quite frankly, all the time. They therefore make it much safer as well, giving me a liberated feeling and peace of mind.”
“shinfinTM fins are a remarkable invention. They have completely changed the game for me when it comes to fishing the river! It’s a whole new experience now!”
Many thanks for your email. That’s wonderful to hear how well you have got on with them. Did you wear flexible river shoes, ones that allow you to point your ankles? What type do you use?
Would you mind if I put some extracts from your emails on the web site? I like the way you have written. I think it would be useful for other people to read what you have said. Please let me know.
“Absolutely Marc, please feel free to use whatever you’d like! Thank you so much!”
Thank you for your kind permission. Personal recommendation is very important to help a new product like this along, so I really appreciate it. And the shinfinTM word is spreading well thanks to people like you. There are many thousands of pairs out in the world now. I’d be interested to hear more about your further exploits float tube fishing with your fins whenever you get a chance to email me.
You will enjoy much more mobility, versatility and water safety when river float tube fishing with shinfinTM fins. You can wear them with river shoes for extra protection. The fins leave your feet free, so you can walk easier and push off the river floor, rocks, trees and other obstacles. Most importantly, they give you better control to navigate river currents and then stay where you want to fish.
All these fin benefits apply to river boarding too. This other review shows how they above knee amputees prosthetic legs can also wear them.