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Broken foot & Achilles: recovery fins

Geoff (doctor) used shinfinTM fins to help his own recovery from a broken foot, and also loaned them to a patient to recover from Achilles tendon inflammation. Because they attach above the ankle, they allowed him to maintain leg strength during his recovery, without stressing his foot like ordinary flippers. So they gave him a better, more comfortable workout.

Geoff’s (doctor) review from Townsville, Australia

“I have a pair of shinfinTM fins and have been delighted with them. They helped during my recovery from a broken foot. I wanted to maintain strength in my legs during recovery but was not getting enough of a workout from swimming with bare feet. Ordinary flippers were out, as they stressed the very areas that needed to recover. I find them superb. Good luck and thanks.”

Also: “I had a patient with an Achilles tendon inflammation who was trying to keep fit without running but was using ordinary flippers when swimming and aggravating the injury. So my shinfinTM fins are on loan to them at present.”

Geoff’s (doctor) review: Recovery fins for broken foot & Achilles tendon inflammation

“I have a pair of shinfinTM fins and have been delighted with them. They helped during my recovery from a broken foot. I wanted to lend them to a friend to try, as they will not buy them untested despite my recommendation.”


I’m happy to hear that you have been delighted with your shinfinTM fins. I’d be very interested to hear a bit more about how they helped you to recover from your broken foot. I get lots of questions about using the fins for different things, including injury rehabilitation. So I try to learn as much as possible from people, to help others.


“Briefly, I broke a bone in my foot called the medial cuneiform, as well as a few other bits of my body, in a motorcycle crash. This bone is very important in maintaining the arch of the foot and has some tendon insertions which are important to movement of the foot. I wanted to maintain strength in my legs during recovery but was not getting enough of a workout from swimming with bare feet. Ordinary flippers were out, as they stressed the very areas that needed to recover.”

“So I decided to try shinfinTM fins, having seen them some time ago on (from memory) Beyond Tomorrow (or something similar). I have to say they were just what the doctor ordered (being a doctor myself)!”

“Anyway, I had a patient with an Achilles tendon inflammation who was trying to keep fit without running but was using ordinary flippers when swimming and aggravating the injury. So my shinfinTM fins are on loan to them at present. So they can evaluate them as part of their fitness equipment.”

“I must say I am surprised shinfinTM fins are not in more widespread use, as they are a superb idea. Having bought a pair I find them superb.”

“Good luck and thanks.”


Many thanks for your reply Geoff. It is very interesting to hear your views, both as a doctor and as someone recovering from foot injury.


“It is fine to use part of my email as you mention. Thanks for the tips on using the fins.”


Thank you for your kind permission Geoff. Personal recommendation is very important to help a new product like this along. So I really appreciate it and the shinfinTM word is spreading well. All the best.


You can use shinfinTM fins to help your recovery from many injuries, such as a broken foot, Achilles tendon inflammation, broken leg etc. They will help you to maintain leg strength during your recovery.

Attaching just above your ankle, they are strong and light, not heavy and cumbersome like ordinary flippers. So they give you a better, more comfortable workout, without stressing your feet and ankles.