Andy, a below knee amputee who does triathlon swim training four times a week and is losing weight, finds his shinfinTM fins work really well. With one fin comfortable and secure on his stump and the other fin on his other leg, he finds moving around the pool much easier than with a conventional fin. He feels shinfinTM fins give him real propulsion from both legs, lifting his back end to make him more streamlined and faster. He also feels the fins encourage him to kick naturally from his hips using the stronger muscles in his stomach. What’s more, the fins help him swim much faster with a kickboard too.
Hip power fins reviews

Hip power is a key benefit of shinfin™ fins, as shown in the customer reviews below. They give you a natural, powerful kick from your hips using the stronger muscles in your thighs and torso.
This guides you towards correct kick timing with a more constant speed within each stroke, which is more efficient. They also build your muscle memory for this correct streamlined kick. So your stronger, hip power kick transfers to your no-fins swimming too.
Enjoy the customer hip power reviews below. To learn more, please also see the hip power fins article and the hip power fins FAQ. Learn about related kicking benefits in the best swim style fins article and the smooth swimming fins article.
Below knee amputee triathlon training fins
Exercise & deep water running fins
Megan loves her shinfinTM fins for her daily exercise including freestyle swimming, kicking practice and deep water running with a float around her waist. They don’t hurt her back, hips, knees and ankles like normal foot fins. This is because they encourage her to kick from her hips with a smooth kick thrust. Overall she finds they give her good workouts and help her to get more out of her exercise.
Megan’s review from Townsville, Australia
“I love my shinfinTM fins. I find them easier on my body (ankles, knees, hips, back) than normal fins and I swim every day. Mostly freestyle and lots of kicking practice. shinfinTM fins help me get more out of the exercies. I use a float around my waist for deep water running. It is a good workout.”
(more…)Swimming with tumble turns & aqua aerobics fins
Loving her shinfinTM fins, usually daily, for nine years and more, Gillian uses them for pool swimming with tumble turns and a tougher aqua aerobics workout too. It only took her a short while to become comfortable swimming, doing tumble turns and adjusting her fins without much strength in her hands. She “motors down the pool” with great swimming style doing freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke arms with butterfly legs. The fins guide her into a streamlined kicking technique from her hips. This review shows Gillian’s progression with her fins over her first few days and then at 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 2 years, 5 years and 9 years. shinfinTM fins are strong and long-lasting!
Gillian’s review from Blakeview, Australia
“I found them terrific for backstroke. Wow! I swim from the hips anyway, so had no problems adjusting to this type of swimming. Foot flippers always made my shins, ankles and knees ache. My program consists of 50m freestyle, 50m reverse fly kick, 50m fly with breaststroke arms, 50m backstroke, repeated until I run out of time. Generally between 1000m and 1600m. I feel as though I am “motoring” down the pool. I can now do tumble turns at both ends of the pool. Using them to keep me mobile. Love the fins. I’ve shown them to a lot of people at the pool, usually the older generation, like me. I’m happy that my fins have outlasted five pairs of foot flippers. Two years of discomfort before foot flippers snap across the middle!”
(more…)Strengthening & propulsion: below knee amputee 1 & 2 fins
Rob, a below knee amputee, finds shinfinTM fins work really well for strengthening his leg and giving better propulsion. He finds the resistance and extra propulsion from just one fin on his stump helps him strengthen that leg. However, wearing both fins gives him better overall swimming and more propulsion. This is because shinfinTM fins encourage a streamlined kick with minimal knee bend, for amputees and non-amputees. So this gives him kick power from his hips which strengthens the larger muscles in his core body, buttocks and thighs.
Rob’s review from Whitethorn, USA
“I’m doing really well with my shinfinTM fins. You might like to know I am an amputee (left, below the knee). I find that it’s best for me to just use one fin on my residual limb. Without the fin there’s not enough resistance and with it I get more propulsion than the other leg. It works really well for me. I did try it with two fins and it works good. It’s better with two. But for now I need to strengthen my one leg, so I’ll continue to use just one. It’s a great product.”
(more…)Below knee amputee lap swimming fins
The very first time he used them, Dave, a below knee amputee, felt his lap swimming greatly improved by shinfinTM fins. They help him get up onto the water, lifting his thighs horizontal and his body streamlined. So he no longer drags his backside along. This is because shinfinTM fins encourage smooth horizontal swimming, with more flutter kick power from his hips.
Dave’s review from Snoqualmie, USA
“I am a below knee amputee. I wanted to get back into swimming and was finding that doing a normal flutter kick my progress was not good. In fact, I either stayed in the same place or actually went backwards. Used the shinfinTM fins and what a great improvement! Back to getting power out of the kicks. I was able to get up on the water and enjoy doing laps again rather than literally dragging my backside along. Thank you very much for creating and supplying them.”
(more…)Snorkeling without back strain & reef boot walking with fins
Bjorn absolutely loves his shinfinTM fins because they allow him to snorkel again in comfort, without back strain and also to wear his flexible reef boots to walk and swim. Furthermore, he really likes the natural feel of shinfinTM fins. The finds them close to normal smooth swimming with power from his hips. This is all in complete contrast to normal foot fins, which previously caused him so much back pain that he nearly gave up snorkeling altogether!
Bjorn’s review from Currumbin Valley, Australia
“I went snorkeling and have to say that they were absolutely fantastic! I bought the fins primarily to reduce the strain exerted on my lower back. In the water for many hours, over several days, and I never once felt any back pain! Truly remarkable! Not only were the fins great for my back, they allowed me to swim while wearing my flexible reef boots. This allowed very easy getting in and out of the water and walking over the hard coral beaches, while others looked on with curious envy. Overall I am extremely satisfied and can say that I absolutely love my shinfinTM fins!”
(more…)Osteonecrosis aquatic therapy exercise fins
Martin benefits from shinfinTM fins for standing and walking leg exercise work-outs, as part of his aquatic therapy for osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis, bone infarction). So he uses them as recommended by his physiotherapist. He opens and closes his hips and strengthens his legs by swinging them forward, backward and sideways. Furthermore, for sideways kicking, he adjusts the fins around to the sides of his legs. He also finds the extra speed and straighter legs of shinfinTM fins for freestyle kicks more psychologically rewarding.
Martin’s review from Hong Kong
“The shinfinTM product has been working well for me. Also using it for aquatic therapy. Doing exercises standing in the pool with the fins, gives more resistance and more of a work-out for strengthening. Most of the exercises have been about swinging the legs forward, backward, sideways, and doing opening and closing of the hip.”
(more…)Butterfly technique training session fins
By converting his training sessions from foot fins to shinfinTM fins, Isarez significantly improves his butterfly technique. He feels them enhancing his body hydrodynamics by giving him the correct tension distribution in his lower body, legs and feet. This is because they give him the correct power from his hips. Furthermore, his body remembers his new shinfinTM enhanced butterfly technique, even after he takes them off for training sessions without fins. He gets good training from going into flip-turns a bit harder until the fins lift out of the water, and pushing off with both feet contacting the wall.
Isarez’s review from London, UK
“I am a butterfly enthusiast. Your shinfinTM fins are worth the extra money, especially for swimmers who are technique-focused. I usually felt I learnt nothing technically from foot fins. In contrast, the shinfinTM fins make me feel true to my body. They give the correct tension distribution throughout the lower-body, legs and feet. This, therefore, enhances the body’s hydrodynamics properly while focusing on and maintaining technique. Taking off the fins, I already feel that I learned to lift up more efficiently in the butterfly (clearing the water surface less vertically for breathing). I must thank you for inventing the shinfinTM fins.”
(more…)Bilateral below knee amputee lap swimming fins
shinfinTM fins allow Amy, a bilateral below knee amputee, to lap swim again. The fins give her a natural linear balance with power from her hip flexors. This is because her forward motion causes water pressure on the fins, which lifts her legs and body linear and streamlined. So she finds that the fins give her an awesome whole body workout, critical for rebuilding her core body strength and endurance.
Amy’s review from Harwick, USA
“I am a 54 year old woman with both legs amputated below the knee and I have been struggling to swim again. I could not remain linear and my residual limbs provided no propulsion. The shinfinTM fins changed everything. I feel whole again. Swimming laps feels natural and my linear balance was perfect. I am in a state of sheer joy! Thank you! The shinfinTM fins enable me to to work on my hip flexors, which is important because I spend so much time in my wheelchair. The whole body workout is awesome.”
(more…)Strong kick muscle memory: learn to swim fins
Emely’s shinfinTM fins help her learn to swim with a stronger kick because they teach her a proper kick with a strong muscle memory. Most importantly, her muscle memory persists for her stronger kick even after she takes off her fins. This is because the fins are specifically designed to teach her and strengthen a proper kick from the hips for freestyle, backstroke and butterfly.
Emely’s review from Pasadena, USA
“I LOVE my shinfinTM fins!! At 43 (2 years ago) I got over my fear of deep water and learned how to swim. My kick was weak and I’ve had such a hard time learning how to strengthen it. I used your shinfinTM fins for the first time and immediately took to them! I felt HOW my leg should be moving … amazing! When I take them off, the muscle memory is strong, and I now know what a proper kick feels like in my body. Thank you so much for creating such an invaluable tool for swimmers. I’m so grateful to you! My newfound passion for swimming continues to be stoked!”