Audrey’s shinfinTM fins allow her to enjoy swimming again after her knee replacement surgery and below knee amputation. They have made a huge difference to her swimming technique, ability and momentum because they give her equal kick power in both her legs. So she can now swim in a straight line again too! Also, her prosthetist altered the buckles because she has weak fingers due to arthritis.
Audrey’s review from Victoria, Canada
“I’m an amputee and they have given me back my enjoyment in swimming. They are just the best! Now I can swim in a straight line and with some momentum. Thank you! I now have equal kicking power in both legs. I’ve told so many people about these fins. I’m so glad to be able to get back swimming as I thought I would have to give it up after my surgery because it was such a struggle to swim with 1/2 legs.” And months later: “I’m still using the fins faithfully and thoroughly enjoying them. They have made a huge difference to my swimming ability.”
Audrey’s review: Fins for below knee amputation with knee replacement
“I’m an amputee and they have given me back my enjoyment in swimming. They are just the best! Now I can swim in a straight line and with some momentum. Thank you!”
That is wonderful to hear. We have a lot of happy amputee customers and get great feedback like this. Are you a below knee amputee or an above knee amputee? Roughly how long is your stump length? I’d be interested to hear any more you would like to tell me about your experiences swimming with your fins please, so I can better help other amputees and may also be able to offer you some more tips too.
Can I ask a favour please? Would you mind if I put some extracts from your emails on the website? I like the way you have written and I think it would be useful for other people to read what you have said.
“You can use any information I have given you if it helps someone.”
“I had a bka (below knee amputation) about 18 months ago and I have a fairly long stump of about 6 inches. I have a knee replacement, hence the long stump to accommodate the knee prosthesis anchor.”

“At first I had difficulty releasing the straps they were so rigid. My prosthetist attached strap buckles to the strap ends rather that trying to pull them through and that has made a difference. I’m 73 years old and have arthritic hands which adds to he challenge. The fin slipped off the first few times but I now pull it up to my knee and that seems to hold it in place.”
“I now have equal kicking power in both legs. I’ve told so many people about these fins. I’m so glad to be able to get back swimming as I thought I would have to give it up after my surgery because it was such a struggle to swim with 1/2 legs.”
Thank you for your kind permission Audrey. Personal recommendation is very important to help a new product like this along, so I really appreciate it. I’m so glad to hear you are enjoying your fins and getting the benefits from them.
Do you wear the second fin on your other shin?
“Yes, I wear both fins for balance.”
Yes, I thought you probably wore both, I just wanted to check.
Photos as promised a few months ago.

Many thanks for the photos Audrey. That is very good of you. Is it OK if I put them on the website to help others see how they fit?
How are you getting on with your fins? I’d love to hear how you feel about them and how they are helping you please.
Audrey (months later)
“I’m still using the fins faithfully and thoroughly enjoying them. They have made a huge difference to my swimming ability. Yes you may put the pictures on your website. You may have noticed that I changed the way they are tightened by putting a buckle, on the front. It’s easier on my arthritic hands!”
Many thanks for your kind reply. I’m really happy to hear that they make a huge difference to your swimming ability and well done with the buckle modification. Happy swimming.
shinfinTM fins allow you to enjoy swimming again after knee replacement surgeries and below knee amputations. They can significantly streamline your swimming and increase ability and momentum because they balance your kick power across both your legs. So they also make it easier for you to swim in a straight line.
Furthermore, you may be interested in these reviews which show them reducing knee and back pain after knee replacement and helping physical therapy after knee replacement. These other reviews show their benefits for hip therapy and walking exercises, for pool walking exercises after back surgery and also for reducing ankle, knee and back pain after lumbar surgery.