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Better kick fin reviews

  • Arthritis, fibromyalgia & fused ankles: fitness fins

    shinfinTM fins have given Annie 15 years of joyous fitness swimming, helping her cope with mobility issues fom severe arthritis, fibromyalgia and both ankles fused. This is because the fins lift her lower body horizontal to increase buoyancy and reduce drag. Most important for Annie, they improve her kick efficiency and help her to maintain leg strength. Plus, they achieve all this without aggravating her fused ankles and dodgy feet, because they strap above her ankles. Strong and durable, her first pair of fins still work and only look worn, after 15 years of regular use.

    Annie’s review from Castlemaine, Australia

    Both of my ankles are surgically fused due to severe arthritis. Having lost my natural kicking motion, I had to rely on a pull buoy to maintain lower body buoyancy and reduce drag. I immediately saw how they’d help me. With the fins, I’m able to produce an efficient kick and maintain some degree of leg strength, without upsetting my dodgy ankles and feet. I’m enormously grateful to you Marc. The fins have given me fifteen years of joyous swimming and I don’t intend to stop anytime soon!

  • Freestyle & backstroke: cerebral palsy paraswimming training

    shinfinTM fins have been a game changer for Alyssa, who has mixed type cerebral palsy and uses them for her backstroke and freestyle paraswimming training. Previously, she had no kick power because she could not point her toes and could only bicycle kick. After using shinfinTM fins for only one month, they helped her learn to kick from her hips and keep her feet horizontal. So much so, that even without the fins she can now kick a length on her back. This is because shinfinTM fins help Alyssa to imprint the new smooth, streamlined kick pattern into her muscle memory.

    Sarah’s review from Airdrie, Canada

    “I purchased these fins for my daughter who has mixed type cerebral palsy and is a 5 classification for paraswimming. She is unable to point her toes, therefore kicking propulsion is nonexistent. She has been working on kicking to improve her body position rather than power and learning to not bicycle was difficult. After wearing shinfinTM fins for a month, she is learning to kick from her hips and can can now kick a length on her back without the fins. These fins have been a game changer for her training, for keeping her feet horizontal and learning to kick from her hips. Thanks Marc😁

  • 10 years of fitness: freestyle & backstroke fins

    For 10 years, Gary has been loving his shinfinTM fins for pool fitness, mainly freestyle and backstroke, swimming at least 75% of the days. Swimming in both salt and chlorinated pools, he finds the fins strengthen his lower back and improve his kicking technique, which continues even when he is swimming without the fins. This is because the fins encourage him to kick from his hips. Plus, they don’t hurt his ankles like regular foot flippers. Gary varies his fitness routines, sometimes using a kickboard, snorkel and hand paddles. He also uses them for water walking exercises, walking backwards wearing his fins to strengthen his back. He has just replaced his straps and is now looking forward to another 10 years or more with his fins.

    10 years of swim fitness with shinfin™ fins for freestyle and backstroke
    10 years of swim fitness with shinfinTM fins for freestyle and backstroke

    Gary’s review from Central Coast, Australia

    “As the months went by I found my kicking style improving with every swim. Now I just love them. When I swim without them, I notice that my kicking technique is much better than most. Certainly no ankle problems like most flippers. I also have a lower back problem and found that the shinfinTM fins really help strengthen my lower back.”

    I have just had to replace the straps after 10 years’ use. While I didn’t swim every single day of those 10 years, I can guarantee that I swam at least 75% of the days in those 10 years. I highly recommend this product for any type of swimmer. Also, correspondence with Marc is, and always has been, exceptional. Anyway that’s all for me and I hope that you enjoy your shinfinTM fins as much as I have. I hope to get as much joy and fitness out of them for another 10 years or more.”

  • Backstroke & freestyle ankle surgery recovery fins

    Shannon loves her shinfinTM fins for fast backstroke and freestyle kicking, to help her recover from her recent ankle surgery. Also, they do not aggravate her past knee injury. This is because shinfinTM fins strap to her lower legs just above her ankles, leaving her feet free to move naturally. So, unlike regular foot fins, they avoid the potentially damaging, twisting forces on her ankles and knees. Instead, her ankles can remain comfortable, supple and relaxed as she kicks. She also uses them for water walking exercises.

    Shannon’s review from Friday Harbour, USA

    “I love my shinfinTM fins!! LOVE! I thought fun, fast kicking was out for me but shinfinTM fins have restored that experience. YAY!!! I’m in my doctor approved third week of post-surgical swimming after ankle surgery. I have to do a lot of backstroke due to other nerve issues affecting freestyle sometimes. Backstroke is great.”

  • Bilateral below-knee amputations swimming fins

    Doug’s shinfinTM fins enabled him to quickly return to his previous swimming level after his bilateral below-knee amputations. He finds his fins give him similar control, steering and stability as he had when he had feet. They also allow him to pull harder with his arms for powerful whole-body exercise. This is because the left fin kick balances his right arm pull and vice versa. He thinks he may eventually be a better swimmer with shinfinTM fins than he was before his amputations! He loves them so much he bought another pair so he is never without them, and to loan to friends.

    Doug’s review from Coquitlam, Canada

    “I had bilateral belowknee amputations last April, and my prosthetist told me about shinfinTM fins for swimming. I got mine in October, and they were an immediate success. I’ve been swimming regularly since, and found myself able to get back to my previous swimming level quite quickly, despite not having been able to swim for 2+ years. I now swim 2 km in under an hour, twice weekly. I have found the fins give me the same sort of stability, steering, and control that I had when I had feet. I’m now learning to use my legs for powerful kicking in a few ways. So I may eventually be better than I was before my amputations. I’m loving being back in the water.”

    “I really appreciate your passion and dedication to making the experience of using shinfinTM fins positive for so many people individually. I have, indeed, found that kicking with the shinfinTM fins opposite to my arm pulls, allows me to pull harder with my arms. They really help me make swimming even more of a whole-body exercise. I have ordered a second set of shinfinTM fins because my wife said I shouldn’t chance ever being without a pair. Also, I’m keen to let some of my friends with feet try them out (and I certainly don’t want to give mine up for that!).”

  • Two fused ankles: lake & pool swimming fins

    With two fused ankles, Dave’s shinfinTM fins allow him to enjoy his pool and lake swimming again. Now, with the stronger kick from his fins, he swims freestyle faster. Furthermore, he can turn his head to breathe more easily. He also uses his fins to swim back crawl and breaststroke arms with a dolphin/butterfly kick. Like other people with fused ankles, Dave finds it more comfortable to adjust the position of his fins to be a little higher up his shin, so that the fin tips reach about the middle of his feet. Overall, he finds his shinfinTM fins to be well-designed, unique and valuable.

    Dave’s review from Baraboo, US

    “I have two fused ankles, and because I can’t point my feet parallel to my legs, my freestyle kick was very ineffective. Thanks to shinfinTM fins, I can swim freestyle enjoyably again! I’d forgotten how a strong kick is necessary for easily turning my head to breathe. Thank you for producing a unique and valuable product. I’m finding that if I pull them up just a little higher than the normal position, they work well. With freestyle and back crawl, the shinfinTM fins give me a big boost in speed. With breaststroke, I’ve figured out a sort of bent-knee dolphin kick that works adequately. Thank you for making a well-designed product.”

  • Feet disabilities: para-swim training fins

    Owen, with disabilities in both feet, has been para-swim training with his shinfinTM fins for about five years. They adjust to fit on his legs. He has been so successful, that he has reached number one UK rankings in his para-classification. These include 50 metres freestyle, 100 metres freestyle and 100 metres breastroke. He is also captain of the University of Nottingham swimming team and on the England Para-swimming Talent Development squad. Owen finds shinfinTM fins extremely helpful for improving his kick action because they lift his thighs and body horizontal. This gives him the best swimming style. Furthermore, he finds them extremely helpful for improving his leg strength because they encourage proper kick power from his hips.

    Owen’s review from Nottingham, UK

    “shinfinTM fins have been extremely helpful in helping improve my kick action and leg strength, letting me participate in sessions I previously wasn’t able to.”

    Mark (father): “So, thank you. The fins have been really effective and they allow Owen to train with able-bodied swimmers. We purchased two pairs of shinfinTM fins and Owen hasn’t looked back since. Now when kicking drills are ordered in training, he can match the able-bodied swimmers and the session is no longer an exercise in disheartening futility!”

    Champion para-swimmer wearing shinfin™ fins
    Champion para-swimmer wearing shinfinTM fins
  • Better kicking technique, faster snorkeling fins

    Andrew loves the better kick technique that shinfinTM fins give him for more efficient, faster snorkeling. This is because shinfinTM fins encourage him to kick with power from his hips and a smooth, streamlined technique. He found this new shinfinTM kick to be very different to his kick when snorkeling with his old foot fins.

    Andrew’s review from Melbourne, Australia

    “Loved the fins. Took a while to get used to them but once I was kicking differently they were surprisingly fast. Already they have proven their worth for reef snorkeling. I found I was much more efficient and faster since using the shinfinTM fins and the kicking technique was much better!”

  • Better kick, stroke, breathing & endurance: technique fins

    Over many years, the swim technique encouraged by shinfinTM fins has given Rick a better kick, improved stroke, relaxed breathing and a dramatic increase in endurance. He tends to swim freestyle about 5-6 km a week, fitness swimming in pools and in the ocean. What’s more, these benefits carry over to his no-fins swimming style too. This all flows on from the better aligned, streamlined horizontal body position that he feels the fins promoting. Importantly, he feels the incredible workout in his thighs, glutes and abdomen because the fins guide him to kick from his hips. Rick can see clearly that regular foot fins don’t come close in comparison.

    Rick’s review from Perth, Australia

    “Thank you for prompt service and a great product. By the second session I was already noticing marked improvement in my kick, but also more generally in my stroke and breathing, as a flow-on from the better aligned body position the fins promote. What I hadn’t really considered (the added bonus I suppose) is the dramatic improvement in my endurance, allowing me to extend my lap distance each session. And my no-fins kick is also improving. So, good on you for taking a strong concept all the way through the process of invention and manufacture, to realise an extraordinary Aussie design innovation.”

    4 months later: “I’m still using my shinfinTM fins three times every week, swimming an average of 5-6 km a week at present. I’ve found them kind of addictive! My endurance has improved dramatically, and so has my general fitness. I’m now much more relaxed in the water, and breathing smoothly and easily. The improved horizontality of body position has helped me work on my freestyle stroke, to streamline my swim technique. I’ve been able to really concentrate on technical aspects of my stroke, like kick beat, or bilateral breathing. The long, slow, strong 2-beat kick provides an incredible workout for my abdomen, glutes, thighs, and even my shoulders, as my arms are working stronger, to maintain momentum. I’m happy to help encourage more people to adopt shinfinTM fins, because I believe in the quality of the design and product!”

    4 years later: “I swear by the fins, for promoting a good horizontal body position, improving my stroke and working my thighs, quads and glutes. Regular fins don’t come close in comparison.”

  • Easier, comfort, stand on sandbars: body surfing fins

    Kevin enjoys the comfort and easier body surfing with shinfinTM fins, including entering the surf and standing on sandbars to catch waves. In particular, he feels his kick uses his legs, in contrast to kicking using his feet with foot fins for many years. This is because shinfinTM fins encourge a streamlined kick from his hips. So he is very happy with them.

    Kevin’s review from Sydney, Australia

    “I’m enjoying the comfort after being a long time “foot fin” wearer. I mainly use them to body surf and it really is a lot easier with the shinfinTM fins. I can enter the surf a lot easier, stand on sandbars. Very happy. Happy to support a great Australian product. By the way, just returned from the beach and a session of body surfing. Really getting used to them now.”
