Trishalana is very pleased that she can snorkel with her shinfinTM fins, even though she has a torn ligament and broken bone in her foot. This is because the fins strap comfortably above her ankles. So they don’t add extra pressure on her feet or cause her any foot pain like regular foot fins would. She can put on her fins in the water, and swim out and snorkel easily with them, even in choppy seas. Or she can put on her fins in the boat, and walk to exit the boat. Afterwards, she can climb up the boat ladder whilst still wearing her fins. shinfinTM fins are light and durable to make all this possible.
Trishalana’s review from Kearneysville, USA
“I am just returning from my Caribbean cruise where I snorkeled twice while away. The first time was straight off the beach. I was able to put them on in the water with little issue. I swam easily out, around and back in. It was smooth water. The second time was off a boat at a coral reef. I was able to put on the fins and exit the boat. The sea was very choppy but I had no trouble getting around and was able to climb the ladder back into the boat wearing them. I purchased these because I have a torn ligament and broken bone in my foot. These fins did not put any pressure on my foot or cause me any pain. I am very pleased with my experience and the ability it gave me to participate in the activity.”