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National team freestyle training fins

Yiannis’ daughter uses her shinfinTM fins for freestyle swim training and is a member of the National Swimming Team of Cyprus. They help her to train for better freestyle swimming because they encourage her to kick from her hips with a streamlined kick, keeping her body horizontal in the water. As shinfinTM fins are so adjustable, they fit her even though she is very tall and has very thin feet. This is because the fins flex to wrap around her leg and the straps adjust to secure the fins snugly above her ankles. In contrast, she found that no regular foot flippers fit.

Yiannis’ review from Nicosia, Cyprus

“The shinfinTM fins are the perfect solution for my daughter, gold medal at freestyle and member of Cyprus National Team. Because she is very tall and has very thin feet, none of the regular swim flippers were fitting! Now she uses shinfinTM fins everyday for training!! Thanks. I think you must advertise more this magic solution!!” 

National swim team freestyle training with shinfinTM fins

Yiannis’ review: Freestyle training fins for national team

“The shinfinTM fins are the perfect solution for my daughter, 16 years old girl, gold medal at freestyle and member of Cyprus National Team. Because she is very tall 190 cm with size 44 (EU) and very thin feet, none of the regular swim flippers were fitting!”

“Now she uses shinfinTM fins everyday for training!!” 

“Thanks. I think you must advertise more this magic solution!!” 


I am very happy to hear how shinfin™ fins are the perfect solution for your daughter. Yes, the fins are very adjustable, so they fit most people, regardless of leg shape and foot size.

Your daughter must be a very good swimmer, getting a freestyle gold medal and swimming with the Cyprus National Team. So well done to her. Using shinfin™ fins in her training every day should help her to swim even faster.

Can I ask a favour please? Would you mind if I put some extracts from your emails on the website? If you have some photos or videos that you would be happy for me to put on the website, then that would be very helpful for other people to see too.


“No problem. You can post anything from my review!! If I can take a photo from the training, I will send to you!! Have a great day.”


Thank you for your kind permission Yiannis. Personal recommendation is very important to help a new product like this along, so I really appreciate it. And photos from your daughter’s training would be a great help thank you.


National swim team freestyle training with shinfinTM fins


Many thanks for these videos Yiannis. She has a nice smooth freestyle stroke with the fins.


You can use shinfinTM fins for any level of freestyle swim training, including national swim team level. They will help you train for better freestyle swimming. This is because they guide you to keep your body horizontal in the water. They also encourage you to kick from your hips with a streamlined kick.

You will find that shinfinTM fins are very adjustable. So they fit you even if you are short or tall, or if you have thin feet or wide feet. This is because the fins flex to wrap around your legs. Furthermore, the straps adjust to secure the fins snugly above your ankles. Perhaps you are also one of the many people who cannot find regular foot flippers that fit you.

Further reviews of shinfinTM fins illustrate helping a weak freestyle kick and general kick improvements. Other reviews cover open water swim training and para-swim training. Other customers discuss backstroke swim training without calf cramps or back pain, freestyle retraining without knee or foot issues, and better butterfly training in the pool and sea.


