Best swim style fins reviews

Fins for best swimming style.
Fins for best swimming style.

Best swim style is a key benefit of shinfin™ fins, as shown in the customer reviews below. They give you a natural, streamlined kicking style with relaxed feet, supple ankles and a horizontal body.

They also help you to balance the power between your arms and legs. This is how they guide you towards a better swimming style for freestyle, backstroke and butterfly.

Enjoy the customer best swim style fins reviews below. To learn more, please also see the best swim style fins article and the best swim style fins FAQ. Learn about related kicking benefits in the hip power fins article and the smooth swimming fins article.

  • Open water swimming with shoes & fins

    Milo uses shinfinTM fins for lap swimming and for open water swimming with his amphibious water shoes. He values that he can walk and run with the fins. They are strong and lightweight, so he can also wear them for water safety riding his jet ski. As a past competitive swimmer, he appreciates that shinfinTM fins don’t make him alter his natural kick (unlike regular fins).

    Milo’s review from Seattle, USA

    “They are impressive Marc. I was a competitive swimmer years ago, and it’s great to have a fin that doesn’t make me alter my kick. Amphibious shoes and the shinfinTM fins are a great combo. Surprisingly, the drag from leaving the shoes on is not that much. I think your shinfinTM fins are creating a dead area that shields the shoes from the water flow somewhat.”

  • Learn stronger normal swimming without fins too

    By simply doing laps with her shinfinTM fins, Margo also learns much stronger normal swimming without fins. This is because they help her learn to swim in the correct kicking position with straighter legs. So they give her more hip power and efficiency. As a result, her swimming feels very easy. She can swim twice as far without getting tired, thus boosting her swimming confidence. So her swim learning with shinfinTM fins transfers to greatly improve her swimming without fins too. Furthermore, she finds the fin comfort wonderful and no longer gets cramping in her feet and toes when she swims without fins.

    Margo’s review from Weetangera, Australia

    “Just to let you know that I took your suggestion of trying to swim without the fins, after having done a number of laps with them. Couldn’t believe how much stronger my ‘normal’ swimming was! I kept my legs straight when kicking, and moved with more power and efficiency through the water (and so far, no cramps!). I am sure this is due to my body having been ‘trained’ into the correct position when using the fins.”

  • Improve fin-free swim technique

    By swimming with shinfinTM fins, Matt has improved his fin-free kick technique too. So the fins corrected his kick technique and that transferred to him swimming faster without fins as well. He was so happy with them that he bought a pair for his 81 year old grandfather.

    Matt’s review from Tannum Sands, Australia

    “The fins are fantastic. They have encouraged me to kick correctly. I’ve found my ‘fin-free’ technique has improved to a considerable extent. Either that or they’ve shortened the pool! Great idea, great product – Cheers!”

  • Swim technique fins for all ages

    Ralph uses shinfinTM fins to improve the swimming technique of his grandchildren of all ages, for freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. The fins encourage them to activate their stronger muscles by kicking from their hips with straighter knees, and build up their stamina and muscle memory.

    Ralph’s review from Delran, USA

    “I have found that shinfinTM fins are a positive alternative to promoting a more anatomical utilization of the muscles for freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. Just swim freestyle across the pool and feel the fins aid in your leg motions. The fins encourage the muscles of the upper leg, gluteus, lower back and abs to rhythmically move the legs. Presto! That was fun, easy and fast. Your legs do get tired as they react to the exercise and build muscle but it’s more advantageous to practice something technically more correct than perfecting self-defeating inappropriate muscle memory.”

  • Swimming with fins after amputation

    Swimming with shinfinTM fins was one of Bill’s first steps in his return to physical and emotional health, after his above knee amputation. Wearing one fin on his thigh stump and one fin on the shin of his other leg, they give him a natural swim kick with smooth stroke balance. He prefers wearing the fins without his prosthetic leg but they can be worn on a prosthetic leg too. He also notes that they can be worn by below knee amputees (also foot amputees). Bill’s expanded story is Stuff you need to know before or after leg amputation.

    Bill’s review from O’Fallon, USA

    “shinfinTM fins are the perfect choice for amputees because they attach to your legs instead of your feet. This provides many benefits such as a natural swim kick.”

  • Freestyle & butterfly: help for amputation below knee fins

    Anthony has a below knee amputation and finds that shinfinTM fins really help his freestyle and butterfly swimming techniques. So he wears one fin on his right lower leg and adjusts the other fin to fit the 8 inch (20 cm) stump of his left below knee amputation.

    Anthony’s review from Hong Kong

    “The shinfinTM fins work perfectly on me. They help a lot in freestyle and especially butterfly. For freestyle, they help to keep both legs in the correct kick actions. For butterfly, they help me to ‘feel’ the kick perfectly so that I know how to turn my body at the right timing.”

  • Powerful fluid kicking style: lap swimming fins

    Josie looks forward to lap swimming with her shinfinTM fins because they give her a powerful fluid kick from her hips and overall better swimming style. She adjusts the fin position on her leg because that gives her the ideal angle and height for her kick.

    Josie’s review from Brisbane, Australia

    “I must say that I have noticed a considerable improvement in my kicking style. My kicking is a lot more fluid and powerful. All in all, I am very happy with my purchase and follow up customer care. I actually look forward to swimming laps now I have shinfinTM fins, which is a huge turn around for me :)”

  • Flatter swim style without fins hurting feet

    Diana has found that shinfinTM fins teach a flatter swimming style without hurting her feet like regular flippers. Furthermore, she swims more horizontally in the water with a better swim technique, even when she takes her fins off.

    Diana’s review from Tweed Heads, Australia

    “The shinfinTM fins are great. It’s the first time I have been able to use flippers without hurting my feet so I am really happy.”

  • Stronger kick balanced position: workout fins

    Lorri’s workouts with his shinfinTM fins give him a more balanced body position and a stronger kick from his hips. So this gives him a huge improvement in his fitness swimming workout and he feels the diagonal balance between his arms and legs. Now he can even use hand paddles without a pull buoy. Furthermore, his kick is stronger, even when he takes his fins off. He also uses them for diving and snorkeling in the ocean.

    Lorri’s review from Santa Fe, USA

    “I can’t say enough good things about them, I will definitely recommend shinfinTM fins to fellow swimmers. Many Thanks, Lorri”
